We have made it all the way to letter S and today we ask you to choose the Supreme Stalwart, the most reliable supporter of the protagonist. We have chosen two who never waver, but which will you put your faith behind?
- Neville Longbottom
From his first year to his seventh, Neville never swayed from what was right and supporting those he called friends. He put his life in danger for those he cares about and he used the Sword of Gryffindor to defeat Nagini. Once given his loyalty is forever, surely that is worth a vote?
- Dr Watson
Can you imagine how frustrating is must sometimes be to work with a man like Sherlock Holmes? A man who is undoubtedly a genius, who steps all over convention and who is often three pages ahead of you in everything you do? Yet Dr Watson counts Holmes as his dearest friend. He chronicles the man’s life and he would follow him just about anywhere. Is your vote for the long suffering Dr Watson?
Vote for the Supreme Stalwart:
Our Other Blogs
Sophie and Tasha are also sharing duties on one other blog for the AtoZ and they both have their own blogs as well. Visit them to see their exciting themes for this year.
Sophie’s Thoughts and Fumbles | Tasha’s Thinkings
Other People’s Blogs
Now check out all the other blogs by visiting the AtoZChallenge list (I recommend leaving it open in another tab :)).
What is the AtoZChallenge?
For those who don’t know, the AtoZChallenge is a giant blog hop with thousands of blogs taking part. Every day in April, apart from Sundays, these blogs will post using a letter of the alphabet at a prompt, e.g. A on 1st, B on 2nd etc.It has been running since 2010 and was thought up by the lovely Arlee Bird who put out a challenge and it has grown and grown since. It is a superb way to meet other bloggers and to have a huge amount of fun.
Watson gets my vote. I loved Martin Freeman in both Sherlock Holmes and the Office. Oh yea, there was the Hobbit too.
Sherlock Holmes. Yep. Has to be.
Writer In Transit