Q – The Quintessential Quest – Literary Smackdown #AtoZChallenge 2016

For once Q was an easy letter as we welcome you to Wittegen Press and ask you to vote for the most Quintessential Quest in the Literary Smackdown. We have a choice between two epic classics and we ask you to cast your eyes over them and pick which deserves the title in today’s AtoZChallenge. Who will… Continue reading Q – The Quintessential Quest – Literary Smackdown #AtoZChallenge 2016

P – Premier Pirate – Literary Smackdown #AtoZChallenge 2016

What else could we have for the letter P except the Premier Pirate? Every good adventure tale on the high seas needs a pirate. Ours are both classics of literature who have been terrorising those who stand against them for generations. Help us choose in today’s AtoZChallenge. Who will you vote for in 

O – Most Outrageous Over-Achiever – Literary Smackdown #AtoZChallenge 2016

Welcome to the letter O and day 15 of the AtoZChallenge 2016. For our Literary Smackdown today we would like you to vote for the Most Outrageous Over-Achiever. Both started young and have built on their formative years. Both are stand-out individuals of their peer groups. Who will you choose? Scroll down to check out the… Continue reading O – Most Outrageous Over-Achiever – Literary Smackdown #AtoZChallenge 2016

N – Most Notable Nursery Rhyme – Literary Smackdown #AtoZChallenge 2016

Welcome to N and a favourite letter of ours in the AtoZChallenge. Today we are asking a question to take us all back to our childhoods. Which is the most Notable Nursery Rhyme? We have two classics for you, so please vote and tell us which one is your favourite. Who will you vote for… Continue reading N – Most Notable Nursery Rhyme – Literary Smackdown #AtoZChallenge 2016

M – Most Magical Mage – Literary Smackdown #AtoZChallenge 2016

Welcome to day 13 of the AtoZChallenge 2016 and the letter M. Now we had a lot of options for today, but in the end we have gone for high fantasy and legend and we ask you to cast your vote for the Most Magical Mage in our Literary Smackdown. Who will you vote for… Continue reading M – Most Magical Mage – Literary Smackdown #AtoZChallenge 2016

L – Looniest Love Story – Literary Smackdown #AtoZChallenge 2016

We’ve made it all the way to the letter L and what else could we have but something to do with love for our Literary Smackdown in the AtoZChallenge. Only today we’re going for the looniest love story. Who will you vote for in 

K – Keenest Killer – Literary Smackdown #AtoZChallenge 2016

Welcome to K day in our Literary Smackdown. The AtoZChallenge is well on its way now and we hope you are enjoying it all. Today we have two very skillful gentlemen to choose between, unfortunately they have both chosen to use their talents to kill people. We would like you to pick the Keenest Killer.… Continue reading K – Keenest Killer – Literary Smackdown #AtoZChallenge 2016

J – Most Jovial Joker – Literary Smackdown #AtoZChallenge 2016

So J is always an interesting letter in the AtoZChallenge and we hope we have found a fun category for today’s Literary Smackdown. We would like you to tell us which of our shortlist is the Most Jovial Joker. Who will you vote for in  Willy Wonka The iconic creation of Roald Dahl, Willy Wonka… Continue reading J – Most Jovial Joker – Literary Smackdown #AtoZChallenge 2016

I – Most Iconic Illustrator – Literary Smackdown #AtoZChallenge 2016

The letter I lends itself to many things, as those who are hopping the AtoZChallenge have no doubt discovered. Today we invite you to tell us which of our choices is the Most Iconic Illustrator. The two we have chosen immediately transport anyone who sees their work to their childhood. Who will you vote for… Continue reading I – Most Iconic Illustrator – Literary Smackdown #AtoZChallenge 2016

H – Most Heroic Hero – Literary Smackdown #AtoZChallenge 2016

Welcome and thank you for visiting during the wonderful AtoZChallenge.  We are up to H in our Literary Smackdown and today we are asking you to choose the Most Heroic Hero.  We have chosen a couple of gentlemen who are superheroes, but neither of them actually have super powers. Who will you vote for in … Continue reading H – Most Heroic Hero – Literary Smackdown #AtoZChallenge 2016